Operation Recovery
Discovering Un-Loved Photographic Collections

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Searching for historical pictures My photographic slides were abandoned in the loft for some 30 years, but were recovered in 1999 to create this web site, a very fortunate turn of events as the quality of the slides were deteriorating very rapidly. The pictures represent a valuable historical resource and I hear all too often that rare pictures of bygone age have been thrown away, generally on the death of the photographer. Sometimes these collections are thoughtfully given to a museum, but the pictures are seldom made freely available to view or even purchase copies.

Are there are any collections, or the odd print or two, of transport in bygone Croydon, that is about to be placed in the dustbin? If so, I would be more than happy to be the new custodian of these pictures with the objective of placing some of the images on the WEB, for all to enjoy. My particular interest is in all forms of electric transport.

Please send me an email in the first instance, so that I can contact you to discuss the matter further. I look forward to hearing from you.